Thursday, February 18, 2010

Diet pop and 2 other things I hate.

1: diet pop
Most dieters will say diet pop tastes just as good
As regular pop. This is wrong , do not listen to them. If you have ever tried real Coca Cola you would know.
2: colered pencils
They suck. The lead breaks like it was made of charcoal , they go dull every 2
Minutes, and they don't erase either.
3: our Microsoft compurter
the Internet... And to think I thought the iceage was long.
Downloads... I thought my closet was stuffed.
Spam... I won't even go there.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the computer you are referring to is technically a Dell but I like blaming Microsoft for everything as well. =)

    And you should try Coke Zero. I think it tastes better than regular Coke, which used to be my favorite for years. Also, Diet Pop tastes like regular pop if you drink it REALLY REALLY fast.
