Thursday, February 18, 2010


You probably don't know this but I have been using knives since I was 9 so I have some experience Using them. So I will teach you a little about them
in this post.
First rule NEVER put your hand in front of the blade while your cutting unless you are pearing or you are a expert and you know what you are doing.
Your knife:
There are many types of knives. For someone who is just starting to use knives I would
Recomend one with a slight convex curve on The edge. I recomend this one. Also, if you want to carry around a knife I would consider how leathel it looks, How big it is, and whether it is a fixed or foldable knife.
( see fixed or folding? Section.)
Avoid these looks for your everyday carry knife.

Fixed or folding?
Genrally, there are two types of knives, folding knives which are foldable and fixed knives which
Are not foldable.
I am not sure about the laws for carrying fixed Blades but I am pretty sure it is illegal to carry one In public.
The advantage of fixed knives is that they are usually safer for the user because they will not fold On your fingers while you are cutting. A nice alternative are Columbia River Knife and Tool (CRKT) knives with Auto Lawks safety. see website for more info www.


The knife above is a good example of a serrated knife.
See the part of the blade that looks like it has spikes? That
Part of the blade is the serrated
Edge. It can be very helpful.
The spikes penetrate the material you are cutting and it also protects the concave part from getting dull. The concave part is very sharp so it is useful
For cutting rope or fabric. They can also be used for sharpening